- 从偶然中寻找必然---机械剥离二维材料的几何特征及信息挖掘2019/12/10
- 阿贝尔积分零点个数的估计2019/12/06
- Parallelizable approaches for nonsmooth optimization problems with orthogonali…2019/11/28
- A periodic disease transmission model with asymptomatic carriage and latency p…2019/11/25
- Stability and Bifurcation in FDE with Distributed Delay2019/11/25
- Finite energy Lyapunov function candidate for fractional order general nonline…2019/11/25
- 大数据分析的概率统计方法2019/11/21
- 一维弹性结构横向振动的非线性边界控制2019/11/20
- Discontinuous Galerkin Methods for Nonlinear Delay Differential Equations2019/11/20
- The advances on spreading: epidemic vs knowledge and single-layer network vs m…2019/11/18
- Surrogates from Markov chains2019/11/18
- The application of echo-state networks in nonlinear systems2019/11/18
- 「力學之基礎與應用研究」專題2019/11/14
- 连续介质力学中物理量的不变性表示及近似计算2019/11/14
- Adaptive second-order time-stepping schemes for time fractional MBEmodels2019/10/10