演讲人Speaker:李杰 博士
题目Title: An Interface Conforming Method on Moving Meshes and Its applications to Multiphase Flows
时间Date: 2019 年 5 月 31 日 Time:10:30--11:30
地点Venue: T3-605
We present an interface conforming method for simulating two-dimensional and axisymmetric multiphase flows. In our method, an interface is composed of linear segments which move with the flow while remaining a part of the mesh system. This interface representation is an integral part of an Arbitrary Lagrangian-Eulerian (ALE) method on an adaptive moving unstructured mesh. Dynamic boundary conditions on interfaces, are therefore incorporated naturally and accurately in a finite-element formula. The accuracy and effectiveness of our methods will be demonstrated through a wide range of the applications to drop/bubble dynamics.
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