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- 荔园数学讲坛: Global well-posedness and energy dissipation estimation for Maxw…2022/06/30
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- 荔园数学讲坛: Geometric Quasilinearization for Analysis and Design of Bound-Pr…2022/06/30
- 荔园数学讲坛: Symplectic-preserving Combined High-Order Compact Scheme for Mul…2022/06/20
- 荔园数学讲坛: A preconditioning technique for an all-at-once system from Volte…2022/06/14
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- 荔园数学讲坛: 基于数据挖掘的电商销量预测方法研究2022/05/23
- 荔园数学讲坛: Some high accuracy Methods for Delay Differential Equations2022/05/23
- 澳门大学数学系2023/24年度招生(研究生)宣传推介会2022/05/18